Friday, April 22
Dear Family and Friends,
You are all greatly missed and we look forward to being home with you in 2 days. We will leave here missing our Zulu friends and praying for them, their health and the ACM ministry.
What a way to end our service here in South Africa starting with services at 7 am and Rev Rob preaching twice today, services not ending until 8pm, taking only short breaks and time for meals together. We spent the day alternating between organizing what supplies we will be leaving behind for ACM to be provided to those in need and for next year’s team, packing for our travel home and worshiping with the people of Grace Evangelical Church. The people of GEC and Gubethuka gathered starting last night for fellowship and will continue through Sunday for the Easter holiday glorifying our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We had the unique experience to meet with the community and provide additional education today in break out sessions. Dr. Amy and Dr. Andy, with the help of our friend Talent, educated young and old in proper oral care and the importance of oral hygiene. Dr. Andy also helped to lead a special break out session with Rev. Rob and Bruce for the men of the community sharing in fellowship, answering much-desired questions and counseling. Dr. Cathy shared with the women much needed guidance and information pertinent to their health care. The people of the community seemed to enjoy this time so much so that other portions of what had planned were cancelled. This is just a testament to how valuable the information that many of us at home get on a daily basis is, this may be the only chance that some of them get to ask questions candidly to a physician and get straight answers. The rest of the team; Sarah N., Sarah R., Heather, Barb, Kristie (the craft queen), Amy, Anna and Megan, during this time enjoyed singing, dancing and crafts with the children of ACM. The joy in their actions, voices and faces is uplifting and inspiring, even the littlest ones that sing “sahamba sahamba” marching in place know what it is to praise our Lord.
Anna and Megan also spent some time dying eggs with the team children and put on an egg hunt between their bouts of running and swinging and playing with their new South African friends.
We were blessed to partake in a traditional Zulu meal prepare by the ladies of ACM, as a send off and holiday celebration, topped off by Italian Easter bread and cup cakes in honor of Bruce’s birthday (I know, an international buffet).
We praise God for a successful trip in that we have shared the love of Christ with many here and amongst our team. God has provided the time energy, rest, strength, supplies needed, safe travel in country, and wonderful people of ACM that gave up their time and committed to translating and traveling with us throughout these two weeks. I believe also that we have each learned something about our selves, our God and one another that I hope will fill our days with growth, praise and building of relationships.
Please pray for our friends here, for our health and safe travel home as we are continuing to pray for all of you back home.
Much love and many blessings in the name of Jesus Christ,
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